Report on the preliminary results of an analysis into the mortality experience of pensioners of self-administered pension schemes for the period 2001-2008 based on data collected by 30 June 2009

CMI Working Paper 44 contains an analysis of the CMI SAPS mortality experience for the period 2001 to 2008 based on data collected by 30 June 2009.

As with previous working papers, the mortality experience for this dataset is compared against the 00 series normal retirement tables and, additionally, the experience is compared against the S1 tables. Results are provided for the various pensioner categories, by calendar year and split into pension amount bands.

An Executive Summary is available for Working Paper 44

The Executive Executive Summary that is presented. It is a standalone document but the SAPS Mortality Committee encourages readers to refer to the full working paper, especially if using the results.

Erratum (added 20/05/2011)

The exposed to risk, actual deaths and 100A/E figures for Lives and Amounts have been transposed in the table for Female Dependants with pensions £750 pa - £1,500 pa, in Appendix 5 on page 36

Summary files of the data are available

Files used in the analysis Please note that these files have been made available on the understanding that:

  • although the CMI has made reasonable attempts to validate the data, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed and the CMI accepts no liability for its use;
  • any published comment or analysis that should acknowledge the CMI as the source of the data.

All classes of pensioner, males, split by pension amount:

All classes of pensioner, females, split by pension amount

All classes of pensioners, males and females, not split by pension amount

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