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The geometric, logarithmic and discrete Pareto forms of series

Although the Poisson distribution is by far the best known of the one-parameter form of discrete distribution and has been widely applied in practice, there are several other such distributions in existence. In this note it is proposed to discuss three of these distributions, namely, the geometric, logarithmic and discrete Pareto forms, and compare their properties. Some illustrations of the use of the series will be made.

The geometric, logarithmic and discrete Pareto forms of series

Although the Poisson distribution is by far the best known of the one-parameter form of discrete distribution and has been widely applied in practice, there are several other such distributions in existence. In this note it is proposed to discuss three of these distributions, namely, the geometric, logarithmic and discrete Pareto forms, and compare their properties. Some illustrations of the use of the series will be made.


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