Commissioned project - This project used household survey data to examine the likely financial circumstances and behaviour of people during retirement

The project involved three distinct strands, all of which exploit recently available data from large-scale household surveys to contribute to a greater understanding of the future prospects for retirement resources in Britain:

  1. The evolution of wealth and financial behaviour in Britain since 2006
  2. Differences in economic circumstances across successive cohorts
  3. Simulating the future distribution of incomes, and income-poverty, among older people
Project conducted by:

The Institute of Financial Services (IFS), with funding from the IFoA, as well as: Age UK; Department for Work and Pensions; Economic and Social Research Council; HM Treasury; Investment Management Association; Money Advice Service; Financial Conduct Authority; Just Retirement; and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Events and waypoints: Presentations to stakeholders will run until the project closes in June 2015.

The final outputs of the programme of work comprised of published reports for each of the three projects. These were published as part of the IFS publications series and made freely available on the IFS website.

Outputs that have been produced from the programme include A. Hood and R. Joyce (2013), The economic circumstances of cohorts born between the 1940s and the 1970s, IFS Report.  

Commenced: 1 June 2013


Events calendar

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