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The role of Actuaries in Health and Care – Survey
17 August 2021
Out of 30,000 members of the IFoA (December 2016), only 440 (1.5%) were identified as part of the health and care sector. With the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic and stresses on public health care financing systems throughout the world, a career in Health and Care is garnering increased attention amongst actuaries and would-be actuaries.
CMI notes a return of excess deaths in recent weeks
10 August 2021
During the coronavirus pandemic, the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) is publishing frequent UK mortality analysis through its mortality monitor. Today’s update covers week 30 of 2021 (24 to 30 July), based on provisional England & Wales deaths data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 10 August 2021.
The key points of this update are:
Brian Hey Prize 2021: Open Invitation & Guidance for Authors
2 August 2021
Researchers are cordially invited to submit their GI Actuarial research papers for the Brian Hey Prize, 2021.
The Brian Hey Prize has a great history in helping to highlight research that is practical and helpful for members of the IFoA GI practice area. Each year, it is awarded for the best paper at the GIRO conference according to the following set of criteria:
April 2021 Examinations Summary
29 July 2021
Congratulations to all our candidates who passed examinations in the April 2021 session. We are delighted to see candidates continuing to excel as we move to a digital-first approach to IFoA examinations.
As we complete our April 2021 examination cycle, we would like to share an overview of this session and how your feedback will enable us to further improve our candidate experience in the future.
New world, new thinking
28 July 2021
We’re living in a changed world.
Almost overnight, the pandemic brought dramatic transformations that impacted us all. At the IFoA, we recognise that we’re in a position to help you, our members, with the challenges of today and the future.
JFAR Risk Perspective 2021
27 July 2021
Pre-Associate Curriculum survey results update
27 July 2021
We would like to say thank you to everyone who participated in the recent Pre-Associate Curriculum Survey, which has now closed. We received 1867 responses in total. There was representation from across the world; with 31% of respondents from India, 27% from the UK, 20% from China mainland, Hong Kong SAR, Malaysia and Singapore and the remaining 22% from countries including; Australia, South Africa, Africa, America.
Funeral trusts thematic review
15 July 2021
The IFoA's Review Team has launched the Funeral trust thematic review. This will consider the advice given by actuaries to pre-paid funeral plan trusts, looking at their role in valuation and other areas including pricing.
CMI says mortality rates at record low during second quarter of 2021
14 July 2021
During the coronavirus pandemic, the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) is publishing frequent UK mortality analysis through its mortality monitor. Today’s updates cover week 26 of 2021 (26 June to 2 July) and the second quarter of 2021, based on provisional England & Wales deaths data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 13 July 2021.
The key points of this update are:
Health & Care board meeting update - July
14 July 2021
Vicky Gardner summarises the discussions at the recent Health & Care board meeting on 1 July.
It was our last meeting before the summer break and we took some time to look back over the past year and reflect on how we have operated as a Board over this unprecedented time and what we may want to do differently in the future.