Future investment returns

Code: Pension1

Lead: Sorca Kelly-Schotte, Marian Elliot

Detail: Research into expected returns on different asset classes and how these behaved following previous crises, together with analysis of how this time might be different.  To include some thoughts / guidance on setting suitable long-term assumptions as we are coming out of the pandemic. 

Outputs: pending

Has IRM worked?

Code: Pension3

Lead: Marian Elliot, Debbie Webb

Detail: Over the past few years it has become commonplace, indeed a requirement, for schemes to have a suitable “Integrated Risk Management” framework in place. How have these risk management tools and approaches fared during the pandemic (e.g. equity protection strategies/contingency planning)?

Outputs: pending

What are the consequences on DC member?

Code: Pension4

Lead: Danny Quant, Laura Andrikopoulos

Detail: What are the implications for DC investments, and indeed for the overall adequacy of DC schemes? What steps should members andsponsors of these schemes be taking?


Covid-19 and pension saving: The impact of missing contributions

The results of the modelling in this article suggest that, unsurprisingly, the impact will vary depending on age, the period during which contributions are missed, and the various future economic conditions. The upside is that on reasonable assumptions, and allowing for some sensitivity margins, the resolution by way of additional future contributions could be manageable if action is taken immediately upon returning to work.

Covid-19 and pension saving: A perspective of product providers

In a discussion with representatives of leading defined contribution providers, members of the Institute’s ICAT DC work stream learned of the behaviours of employees in response to COVID-19 during 2020.


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