The working party closed in 2020.

Although no economic activity (or, indeed, activity of any kind) can take place without energy, economic models rarely include energy and may be inconsistent with the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. The Energy in the Economy working party aims to consider including into the modelling framework and assumptions the essential concepts around the implications of energy constraints.

Phase One will examine:

  1. the role energy plays in the economy (and in economic models in particular), and
  2. the implications for actuarial work.

The emphasis will be more on the amount of energy needed rather than the mix of energy sources used.

The purpose of this working party is to develop a research project on the role of energy in the economy. Their action steps will be to:

  1. identify key research questions,
  2. assess the feasibility of the IFoA commissioning research on this subject,
  3. (if appropriate) prepare a research funding request, and
  4. produce one or more short articles, presentations or blogs to share what we've discovered more widely.
Chair Oliver Payne
Membership 9
Established 2020


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If you want more information about this research working party please contact the Communities Team.

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