Volunteering for the IFoA

We would love you to get involved and help shape your profession


The place of the volunteer at the IFoA is embedded in our DNA. Without volunteers (past and present), the IFoA would not be what it is today. About 3,000 volunteers – members and friends of the IFoA – are the driving force behind everything we do.

Volunteering for the IFoA means different things to different people. Some volunteer quietly while others have a more public facing role. Both are impactful. Volunteer roles can also fit with your professional interests and enhance lifelong learning.

If you would like to get involved and make a difference, we have a range of opportunities and resources to support you.

On this page, find out more about:

Benefits for members

Some members see volunteering as an opportunity to develop personal and professional skills. Many value the opportunity to give something back to the profession in recognition of the opportunities their career affords them.

Benefits from volunteering for the IFoA can include opportunities to:

  • lead the way in research and thought leadership and influence policy
  • engage with media, regulators, and government
  • speak with impartiality and authority
  • build and enjoy a strong and active network of peers and engage with industry leaders
  • stretch and develop your personal and professional skills
  • raise your profile and the profile of a particular area of your expertise
  • shape the future of your profession and encourage the next generation of actuaries

Share your story 

If you would like to share your volunteer experience, please email us at engagement.team@actuaries.org.uk.

“Like most actuaries, I knew the importance of lifelong learning. Volunteering at the IFoA provided me with what I was looking for and much more!” – Jasvir Grewal, Fellow

Continuing professional development (CPD)

In performing a volunteer role you are likely to gain opportunities to develop both your technical and professional skills.

Any activity undertaken in a volunteer role can be counted towards your CPD requirement if you consider that it meets the definition of CPD.

To find out how this will apply to you and for more information, see our continuing professional development page.

Benefits to employers

Many employers positively encourage the actuaries in their organisation to volunteer for the profession. The experience of volunteering for the IFoA can build networks and develop skills. It can offer the opportunity to learn, which some members say can be more beneficial than a conventional training course.

For your employees, volunteering can:

  • stretch and develop their personal and professional skills and gain a wider perspective
  • offer them a chance to work alongside industry experts
  • raise their own profile and the profile of your organisation
  • give access to experience outside their own specialist area
  • offer opportunities to test and share ideas
  • open up opportunities to be involved in cutting edge change and thought leadership


“I’ve been on many training courses at work, but I’ve benefitted the most from what I’ve learned in my volunteering activities for the profession.” – senior volunteer from Standard Life

Engaging with employers: CPD co-ordinators

A CPD co-ordinator is a volunteer position open to all individuals (members and non-members) who want to support and promote two-way communication between their employer and the IFoA.

This involves engaging with and disseminating information to colleagues relating to CPD, and providing the IFoA with feedback and suggestions.

For more details about the role, please see our booklet CPD co-ordinator: guidance and useful information (PDF, 261 KB)

The 400 Club

We encourage all members of the IFoA from around the globe to join our 400 Club. Any member can volunteer to join and will receive approximately 6 online surveys a year. All views are personal and confidential.

The responses from the online surveys are a hugely valuable source of information and feedback for the IFoA. It is an opportunity for you to help shape our future.

To offer support or find out more, see the 400 Club page.

400 Club logo

What you need to know

Every individual who supports the IFoA as a volunteer, members and non-members alike, or by undertaking a PDR role must: 

  • comply with the terms of the IFoA’s governance manual and volunteer information pack
  • respect confidentiality in all you do
  • be aware of how formal proceedings impact on their role or potential role
  • embody our values
  • adhere to our volunteer expenses policy

By accepting any appointment, we ask you to agree to comply with the terms of the IFoA’s:

You will be allocated an IFoA staff contact who will support you and guide you regarding all relevant matters.

When appointed to take on a role or task for the IFoA, we ask you to respect confidentiality in all you do.

By the very nature of your role, whether you support the IFoA as a volunteer (member or non-member) or in any other role, you will have access to confidential information and material.

Your respect for the confidential nature of this information and material, and the fact that it has been shared with you, is important to protect the integrity of the IFoA.

We ask that you keep this at the forefront of your mind when carrying out your role or task. This is to ensure all confidential material and information is treated with the upmost care. Members will be aware of their obligations of confidentiality under the Actuaries’ Code.

It may be that we will require some volunteers and those undertaking paid roles to enter into a more formal confidentiality agreement as and where appropriate.

Your IFoA staff contact or chair (if applicable) will raise any additional requirements with you if necessary. Indeed, if you have any queries, or are in any doubt about whether something is confidential, please refer the question to them.

All current and potential volunteers need to be aware of how formal proceedings impact on their role or potential role. We recognise that this will only be applicable to a very small number of individuals. But it is important you read this policy and ensure you disclose any relevant information in a timely manner.

See the policy how formal proceedings impact on volunteering for IFoA (PDF, 372 KB)

Our values are:

  • member-focused: We put members at the heart of everything we do
  • action-oriented: We work hard, we work smart, and we take pride in getting things done, valuing action over perfection
  • forward- and outward-looking: We’re always looking to be bold and improve, innovate and take the next step
  • team-driven: We work in partnership, advancing together as one IFoA

The principles and guidelines set out in this policy apply to every individual who supports the IFoA, be that as a volunteer (member or non-member) or in any other role.

See the volunteer expenses policy.

In summary, before incurring an expense: 

  • ask yourself if the expense represents value for money for members
  • make sure you know there is a budget for it
  • get it approved
  • contact your IFoA staff contact before booking travel to ensure it’s covered under the policy

In-person and remote volunteering

In line with our diversity strategy, we want to widen our opportunities to all members and encourage more interaction and engagement using collaborative tools. These include secure file sharing, video conferencing, and email. This will not only allow more members to get involved but it will save members time – avoiding unnecessary travel time.

Of course, we recognise there are times when volunteering in person is needed. That is absolutely fine and justifiable: the policy is flexible. We also recognise the merits of meeting face-to-face and building rapport. But we ask you to keep this to a minimum (perhaps once a year).

Related resources

Volunteer vacancies

See all our current vacancies for volunteers.
Search vacancies

Key information for chairs

PDF, 64 KB
View document

Practice areas

Find out about the practice areas in which our members work and apply their expertise.
Learn more
Contact us

Contact us

If you have a question, please contact us. The Engagement Team will respond no later than 3 working days.
Email the team