Fullerton-Long Caribbean Scholarship Fund

“We hope this initiative will go some way to make the IFoA’s programmes even more accessible to students in their early careers and enhance the diversity of the actuarial profession in the Caribbean and further afield.”

Earlier in 2021, the Foundation pursued an exciting opportunity to launch a fund supporting the most gifted and highest performing young actuaries who are studying in the Caribbean at the University of the West Indies.

The programme has been generously part-financed by Norbert Fullerton and Andrew Long (above), both senior actuaries in the UK and Ambassadors of the IFoA Foundation. Norbert and Andrew are from Caribbean backgrounds and wish to support the profession in this geographical region.

The scholarship programme will initially provide funding for tuition and aims to offer mentorship and internships. The Fund is offered to Commonwealth Caribbean students from the University of the West Indies (Mona and St. Augustine campuses in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago respectively), helping them progress towards qualification and a career in the actuarial profession.

Reaching top talent

Fullerton-Long Actuarial Scholarship winner: 2020/21

Abigail McFarlane, UWI Year 2 Actuarial Student says: “I chose the actuarial profession due to my passion for maths and because it intersects with other disciplines such as economics, law and communications to solve real-world problems. One year into my BSc - I am loving it! This scholarship has allowed me to excel academically whilst still being involved in university activities and my community. My career plan is to qualify as a Fellow within 5 years and to specialise in life insurance. I plan to work mainly in the Caribbean region tackling the big issues of our day, such as climate change.

As part of this new fund, the Foundation is generating support to reach its vision to open every door for the next generation of actuaries and to empower the profession to be transformative in addressing the greatest global challenges of our time. Over the next three years, we aim to provide scholarship funding to 20 promising actuarial students from the Caribbean region.

Andrew and Norbert have generously committed £10,000 and The IFoA Foundation aims to fundraise at least £20,000 to fulfil the remaining scholarships up until 2024, with ambitions to expand the programme well into the future. We welcome all passionate stakeholders who wish to shape the future of the actuarial profession in the Caribbean Commonwealth, inviting them to contribute to our strategic aims as partners and investors.

View the Fullerton-Long Scholarship Fund leaflet or take a look at some of our partners and supporters, and the difference that they are making across the globe.

Show your support

To make a lasting impact on the actuarial profession by supporting the IFoA Foundation or to find out more about our aims, please contact Holly Atkinson, Foundation Coordinator on holly.atkinson@actuaries.org.uk.

On behalf of all the scholars who will benefit from the scholarship fund, thank you to all those who are kindly supporting this initiative.

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