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Current Highlights in Pensions Seminar (CHIPS), Glasgow

Chief Actuaries and Senior Life Actuaries Workshop

CILA 2017

Current Highlights in Pensions Seminar (CHIPS), Bristol

Current Highlights in Pensions Seminar (CHIPS), Glasgow

Current Highlights in Pensions Seminar (CHIPS), Leeds

Current Highlights in Pensions Seminar (CHIPS), London

Current Issues in General Insurance 2017 (CIGI)

Current Issues in Pensions (CIP) Edinburgh

Current Issues in Pensions 2017 (CIP) London

Get ready for IFRS 17, UK Actuarial Profession Event

Gilts vs. Swaps: What's Going Down?

GIRO Conference 2017

Health and Care Sessional

Highlights of Life 2016 - Dublin

Highlights of Life 2016 - London

How to survive the evolving cyber risk landscape. Three critical sessions about cyber risk

IFoA Asia Conference 2017

IFRS17 Workshop

Introducing your clients to pensions de-risking

Investment Strategy for Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Pension Funds 2017

Life Conference 2017

Managing risk and capital networking breakfast

Mortality and Longevity Seminar 2017

NED - Personal Risk Management for NEDs

Pricing Seminar 2017

Protection Health and Care 2017 Conference

Protection, Health and Care 2017 Conference

Reserving Seminar 2017

Risks in Life: Understand, Control and Master Them

Sessional Event: IFoA-CAS International Reinsurance Pricing Working Party ‘Property Per Risk Pricing

Sessional Research Event: A review of Solvency II - has it met its objectives?

Sessional Research Event: Do customers understand our life insurance products?

Sessional Research Event: How can the IFoA help Individuals make better Retirement Choices?

Sessional Research Event: Model Risk: Illuminating the Black Box

The IFoA’s Joint Risk, Investment, Pensions Conference 2017

The role of the “Risk Function” in the context of Solvency II and what are the features of an “effec

Current Issues in General Insurance 2017 (CIGI)