TreesThe importance of biodiversity for finance, business and policy has been highlighted recently. In particular biodiversity loss could represent a significant and currently unquantified risk. While many studies highlight the overall economic impact that biodiversity loss could have it is much more difficult to quantify and understand the particular impact that is may have on individual businesses or communities.

The Importance of Biodiversity Risks, Institute & Faculty of Actuaries

This paper highlights the urgent need for actuaries to take into account the importance, perils and impacts of global biodiversity risks. The Biodiversity and Natural Capital Working Party has been set up to take forward a series of activities including think pieces, webinars and external engagement to ensure our proactive engagement with these risks.

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'Nature is too big to fail', PWC & WWF

This document outlines why biodiversity should be considered as part of financial risk processes and sets out a call for action. 

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Insuring Nature’s Survival

The paper Insuring Nature's Survival: The Role of Insurance in Meeting the Financial Need to Preserve Biodiversity from the Financial Protection Forum at the World Bank Group, explores how and to what extent insurance can play a role in meeting the increasing financial needs to protect biodiversity.

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