While the UK Government already includes biodiversity risk in its policy appraisals, the scale of the loss of biodiversity and its potential economic impact is the subject of a recent review. The Dasgupta review concluded that our current models of economic growth are unsustainable and a new measure of progress that integrates nature is required.

'The Green Book guidance: embedding natural capital into public policy appraisal', Natural Capital Committee

This document reflects on the implementation of Green Book guidance regarding the incorporation of natural capital, ecosystem services and the value of associated goods and services into government policy appraisal. 

Download the guidance on GOV.UK.

The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review

The Dasgupta Review is an independent, global review on the Economics of Biodiversity led by Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta (Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus, University of Cambridge). The Review was commissioned in 2019 by HM Treasury and has been supported by an Advisory Panel drawn from public policy, science, economics, finance and business. 

Download the Review on GOV.UK.

TNFD Beta Framework

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure has launched the Beta version of their disclosure framework. This executive summary explains how and why nature-related risks and opportunities are important within financial management.

The TNFD Nature-Related Risk & Opportunity Management and Disclosure Framework Beta v0.1: Executive summary – TNFD


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