This Longevity Bulletin examines the clinical implications, impact on longevity and the potential economic cost of current trends in AMR.

Antibiotics are one of the most important therapeutic discoveries in medical history. They have revolutionised the way we treat patients with bacterial infections and have contributed to reducing mortality and morbidity from bacterial diseases.

Unfortunately, antibiotics have been liable to misuse. They are often unnecessarily prescribed for viral infections, against which they have no effect. In the Longevity Bulletin, Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer for England, states that the world is already seeing the consequence of AMR with estimates of around 50,000 deaths per year recently in Europe and the US. Furthermore, drug-resistant infections are estimated to cause 10 million deaths a year and cost up to £66 trillion by 2050.

This edition of the Longevity Bulletin considers potential impacts of AMR on society and demonstrates real collaboration between a number of professions.

Download the Longevity Bulletin: Antimicrobial Resistance

To further develop the understanding of AMR and the risk associated consequences, the IFoA organised a seminar with some of the Longevity Bulletin’s contributors. This event included a number of presentations and panel discussion.

The video recording is now available to watch on our YouTube channel or VLE. Members should view the video on the VLE to enable CPD to be verified.


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