On 31 May, Xiaoxuan (Sherwin) Li, a Career Ambassador for the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) in China, visited the Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU).

He made a presentation about the actuarial profession and hot topics in the current insurance industry to the students of the Risk Management and Insurance Department.  He introduced the IFoA and the development of the actuarial profession in the world. Then he talked about some hot topics in the current insurance market of China, including the transition from Premium Income Taxation to Value Added Taxation, Motor insurance reform and China's first Catastrophe Bond. 

All the students enjoyed hearing the latest from a member of the actuarial profession and we hope that several will have been inspired to pursue an actuarial career.

If you’d like to arrange for an IFoA Careers Ambassador to give a presentation at your college or university, please contact careers@actuaries.org.uk.  Alternatively, if you’d like to become a Careers Ambassador in your area, please visit our volunteer vacancy page to find out how to get involved.

Careers talk at Beijing Technology and Business University

Contact Details

You can contact the Careers team at:


Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, 7th Floor Holborn Gate, 326-330 High Holborn, London WC1V 7PP

We aim to respond to all enquiries within five working days.