6 October 2021
The IFoA’s Disciplinary Board has published its 2020/2021 annual report, covering activities in a year that saw board meetings and disciplinary hearings move to remote operation.
The report details how the Board managed the challenges that the global coronavirus pandemic posed to their continuing work.
The report also describes governance changes approved by Council which lead to the creation of a new and more independent Regulatory Board to which a streamlined Disciplinary Committee now reports.
The review of the IFoA’s disciplinary scheme was put on hold over the period April to September 2020. This was due to the impact of the pandemic and to allow resources to be focused on progressing disciplinary investigations. The Disciplinary Committee will now be asked to consider and approve a new draft disciplinary scheme and accompanying regulations at its December 2021 meeting.
Chair of the Board, Stephen Redmond, said: “This has been a challenging year and I am grateful for the continued commitment of this Board, lay and volunteer members who work in the disciplinary process and the Executive, and in particular to the retiring members of the Board.
“It has been no small feat that the IFoA has managed to hold six remotehearings over the reporting period. The successful transition to remote hearings has ensured that cases have been both heard and concluded.
“I look forward to working with the Executive in progressing the Scheme Review and delivering on the Committee’s objectives.”