IFoA Council took the decision to align Curriculum 2019 with the new syllabus announced by the IAA in October 2017.

We have consulted widely on this and there has been significant support for this alignment as it provides qualifiers with the confidence that their qualifications are internationally benchmarked and continue to be transferrable across the globe. The decision by the IAA required us to complete a final review of the IFoA’s new curriculum late in 2017 to ensure our full compliance.

While all our preparatory work for Curriculum 2019 made this a straightforward exercise for almost all our new modules, there were some more complex issues which needed to be resolved related to the Core Business modules.

We were concerned that these issues potentially disadvantaged learners as a result of some material studied in our current curriculum not mapping fully to a new IAA compliant Curriculum 2019. So that no IFoA learner was disadvantaged we took the decision to temporarily suspend CT9 in late December 2017.

We have now resolved these matters and can confirm that our previously announced transition arrangements are appropriate and that passes in CT9 will transition directly to CB3 under Curriculum 2019.

The unanticipated review of our business management study area and the temporary suspension of CT9 is regretted, but we hope you will understand that we did this to avoid potentially unnecessary work by those who are currently studying, or about to study, CT9.

We recognise that a small number of learners had their study plans disrupted during our temporary suspension of CT9. We apologise for this and hope you understand that we came to this difficult decision to secure your longer term benefits under Curriculum 2019.

Those who have been affected by this decision will be contacted shortly by our Education Services Team to discuss how they can now continue with their study of CT9.