11 April 2022
Hi, I am Glyn Bradley and I first volunteered for a pensions working party in 2017. I was then encouraged to become a member of the Pensions Research Sub-committee (PRSC), which oversees the working of the member-led pensions working parties. Our remit is to identify, promote and foster research opportunities. We suggest new groups, help get them going and encourage them to share the results of their work through articles, presentations, and so on. I find it really interesting to see what they are all working on, and it’s satisfying when you see the results that you’ve helped them towards.
This week, for example, we saw the Chair of the Pensions Board speaking to a parliamentary committee about the YouGov research the Personal Financial Planning working party had commissioned. Also, I have been talking to the IFoA about how we might set up groups aimed at overseas’ members. We also spent some time discussing how best to revive a couple of working groups that had stalled, and how others could share their work more widely with the membership. Next month I look forward to welcoming some new members and looking ahead at some of the big issues in pensions to see where working parties could usefully inform the professions’ thinking.
As Chair of the PRSC, I’m also a member of the Pensions Board itself, which acts as the voice of pension actuaries within the IFoA, and connects to all our research, education, conference, consultation, and regulation groups.
If you’re interested in our member-led working parties, but unsure about how much time you can commit, the PRSC is a great way to volunteer, as you can get involved in supporting the working parties without needing to be a fully active member of them. We’re currently advertising for new members, until 25 April, including a deputy chair (look for “Pensions Research Sub-committee). Do get in touch with me via email if you would like to learn more.
Click here to submit your interest in joining the Pensions Research Sub-Committee