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Pensions Thematic Review update
18 February 2021
David Gordon, Senior Review Actuary, provides an update on the Pensions Thematic Review.
The actuarial monitoring team and I were delighted that over 300 people joined us on our interactive webinar covering the recently-published Thematic Review on Actuarial Factors used in UK Pension Schemes.
CMI measure of excess deaths for UK passes 100,000
16 February 2021
During the coronavirus pandemic, the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) is publishing frequent UK mortality analysis through its mortality monitor. The latest update covers week 5 of 2021 (30 January to 5 February) based on provisional England & Wales deaths data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 16 February 2021.
CMI notes deaths remain 50% higher than normal
9 February 2021
During the coronavirus pandemic, the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) is publishing frequent UK mortality analysis through its mortality monitor. The latest update covers week 4 of 2021 (23 to 29 January) based on provisional England & Wales deaths data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 9 February 2021.
The key points of this update are:
IFoA Ethical Guidance on Data Science
8 February 2021
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) has published non-mandatory ethical and professional guidance on Data Science for IFoA members.
Banking and Actuaries
3 February 2021
Visit the new Banking Lifelong Learning webpage which brings together resources and information for those interested in Banking as a career option.
Five of our members showcase their journey into banking and their continuing careers in a collection of case studies
There are links to resources and courses to get you started.
Wider horizons: Climate change reading list
3 February 2021
This climate change reading list has been curated by Mike Clark on behalf of the Sustainability Board. It provides suggestions for reading, with some brief commentary to help contextualise the items suggested and help the reader decide whether the linked material is relevant to their current stage of research and learning.
Talking Sustainability with Louise Pryor
3 February 2021
We continue our “Talking Sustainability” series with Louise Pryor, a sustainability actuary and President-elect of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. We asked Louise about her work, her views of the actuarial profession and how it links to sustainability, and her advice for aspiring members.
CMI notes deaths 50% higher than normal in week 3
2 February 2021
During the coronavirus pandemic, the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) is publishing frequent UK mortality analysis through its mortality monitor. The latest update covers week 3 of 2021 (16 to 22 January) based on provisional England & Wales deaths data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 2 February 2021.
The key points of this update are:
Kenbright Actuarial and Financial Services joins the IFoA’s Quality Assurance Scheme
2 February 2021
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) is delighted to announce that its prestigious Quality Assurance Scheme (QAS) accreditation was awarded to Kenbright Actuarial and Financial Services on 1 February 2021. This represents a second membership of the scheme in Africa, accrediting those who have met the QAS standards.
COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group - 100 Bulletins
1 February 2021
Matthew Edwards, Stuart McDonald, Nicola Oliver of the COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group reflect on their 100th bulletin.
Matthew Edwards, Nicola Oliver and
Stuart McDonald of the COVID-19 Actuaries
Response Group