As experts in risk, actuaries are natural leaders in Risk Management. The business world, along with the public sector, faces multiple challenges and greater uncertainty in the current hostile economic environment - it needs to manage its risks better to succeed and to serve all stakeholders well. Actuaries can develop influential roles in wider risk management by building on core skills in our traditional areas, such as insurance. The profession can expand its horizon of activity to meet the needs of the wider business world as well as the demand of the profession’s growing global membership for stimulating and well rewarded jobs.
Governance and how you can connect with the Risk Management Board
The Risk Management Board - is a member-led Board of senior volunteer actuaries who act as a source of expertise within the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) on matters relating to the risk management practice area, and promotes, supports and champions the interests of members working in risk management within the traditional fields of life and general insurance as well as members using risk management techniques in wider fields such as commodities or banking.
The Board’s key objective focusses on ‘engagement’:
- It is championing exciting initiatives to grow a vibrant and thriving risk management community and to deliver value to IFoA members working in risk management.
- Integral to this, is the Board’s ambition to continue to showcase opportunities to illustrate where the analytical skills actuaries have can add value and support beyond insurance [“wider fields”].
The Risk Management Board wants to connect, engage and understand the needs of its risk community - email to find out more.
The Risk Management Board is supported by three subcommittees:
Related documents
Results of the Risk Community Membership Survey
31 December 2019
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For more information about Risk Management working parties contact the CommunitiesTeam.
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