Version 1.5 of the CMI library of mortality projections was released in August 2014

The updated version of the Library of Mortality Projections User Guide, version 1.5 documents the contents of the library.

The CMI is no longer updating the library.  However, given interest in the National Population Projections, we have requested details of the 2014-based projections from the ONS in the form contained in the library.  Corresponding life expectancies are here.

The library of mortality projections is available in a series of zipped spreadsheets

Please note that Volumes 1 to 6 (inclusive) are unchanged from version 1.1 of the library. The additional projections in version 1.2 of the library are all contained in Volume 7.

Please note that

  • Volumes 9 and 10 and versions 1.4 and 1.5 of the user guide are available to Authorised Users only.
  • These are large documents and may take some time to download
  • Volumes 1 to 9 (inclusive) are unchanged from earlier versions of the library; the additional projections in version 1.5 of the library are all contained in Volume 10.

Version 1.3 of the user guide remains freely available.

Previous versions of the user guide are available on request – please contact

(Note: Version 1.4 is available only to Authorised Users).

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