Current actuarial approaches to the assessment of future mortality trends are heavily reliant on reference to historical mortality data

By definition, changes in the average human lifespan emerge slowly over time. It can be useful though to reclassify this emergence as the long term result of a series of various trigger events that occur at a single point in time. These are called Longevity Catalysts.  This workign party closed in April 2019 and transitioned to a Member Interest Group.

The Longevity Catalysts Working Party has been set up by the actuarial profession to answer one simple question:

"What future events are we aware of today whose occurrence is likely to be coupled with a significant impact on UK longevity?" 


The working party closed in March 2019, and transitioned to a Member Interest Group. 

You can join the MIG.

Chair Khurram Khan
Membership: 5
Established: 2012

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If you want more information about this research working party please contact the Communities Team.

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