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Monday 29 February 2016 18:30

This event is part of the IFoA's Presidential trip in China.One hour CPD (PST) will be given. Drinks and canapes will be provided throughout the event.

This event includes a Professionalism presentation by the President-elect Colin Wilson, and networking with fellow members and colleagues.

Event organiser

Contact Events Team for more information.

0207 632 1498


1.00 hours
18.30-18.45: Registration and networking
18.45-19.00: Welcome and Prize award (Sir EJ and New qualifier)
19.00-19.45: Professionalism presentation by the President-elect Colin Wilson
19.45-20.45: Networking
21.00: Close of event




Location: Grand Hyatt Shanghai, Drawing Room II, Podium Level 2, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Avenue Pudong, Shanghai, China

(上海金茂君悦大酒店  金茂大厦,裙楼二楼的宴宾厅II)

Nearest Public Transport
