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Monday 7 June 2021 12:30 - 14:00

This paper explores the use of long-term stochastic modelling for risk management. Life insurance is a long-term business and carries with it long-term risks, yet a lot of current actuarial risk management is focused on short-term modelling approaches.

The paper discusses the limitations inherent within existing approaches and considers how the focus of the next generation of actuarial models may be on long-term stochastic models. The paper also explores how existing techniques, together with new approaches, can be used to develop such models and the benefits of these.


Bill Curry

Bill Curry is a risk management actuary responsible for capital oversight and resilience testing at LV=. Bill is passionate about stochastic modelling techniques and their application within a risk management framework.

Bill has previously presented research for the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries on full balance sheet proxy modelling techniques.

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