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Thursday 13 October 2016 08:30 - Friday 14 October 2016 16:30

We are pleased to announce that the third Singapore Actuarial Society (SAS) Health and Retirement Conference will be held on 13th and 14th of October 2016. We will advise you of the actual venue as soon as we can.

We welcome the participation of members of your Association, either as speakers or as attendees, especially as your Association is named as one of the Recognised Associations in our Constitution. 


The theme of the Conference this year will be

Plan live retire well

Plan ahead live long retire comfortably stay well

As with the conferences held in 2014 and 2015, presentations and discussions at this conference will cover matters relating to the financing of healthcare and the provisioning for retirement, which are intertwined. I expect that as before there will be sessions which touch on both simultaneously.

This Conference intends to be as broad-based as possible, while retaining a core which taps into the skills, knowledge and experience of actuaries and other actuarial professionals. Among the issues the Conference expects to address are:

-        Managing healthcare cost
-        Making healthcare affordable
-        Preparing for the future of healthcare
-        Making provisions for retirement
-        Stretching the retirement savings
-        Preparing for the ageing dilemma

Keynote address

As with past conferences, we have invited an eminent speaker to deliver the keynote address, who can push us to “think out of the box”. This Conference is pleased to announce that a prominent biomedical gerontologist, Dr Aubrey de Grey has consented to deliver the keynote address. Dr de Grey is the chief science officer of the SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) Foundation, editor-in-chief of Rejuvenation Research and a Fellow of both the Gerontological Society of America and the America Aging Association. Dr de Grey will also deliver keynote addresses at two Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) conferences this year.


From our experience with these conferences, I expect the audience of this Conference will include actuaries and other actuarial professionals working in the fields of healthcare financing and retirement planning, as well as professionals in related fields, and officers of government agencies which promulgate and implement policies on healthcare and healthcare financing and on making provisions for retirement. Past conferences had also seen sizeable attendance of overseas delegates. 


If you have any enquiry or need any clarification, please send an email to:

Call for papers

If any members have any experience in, or ideas on, the matters which will be discussed at this Conference, and wish to share them with a knowledgeable audience, we ask that they take a little time to go through the Call for Papers by clicking on this link:



Singapore -  Venue TBC

Nearest Public Transport
