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Has the fairness or the prosperity of a country led to better health and economic outcomes from the COVID-19 pandemic?

Health care kitThis work product explores the hypothesis “It is the level of equality (fairness) in a country rather than its level of GDP per capita (prosperity) that has led to better health and economic outcomes from the COVID-19 pandemic.".The hypothesis is explored by correlating income inequality and GDP per capita with health and economic outcomes.

Authors: Andrew Robinson, John Branford, Inviolata Naliaka Wafula, Sukrita Singh

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Updated National Narratives on COVID-19

GraphsThe ICAT National Narratives workstream has gathered actuaries from around the globe to collect data and to provide actuarial perspective on events surrounding COVID-19 in the countries they know. One direction we have taken is to gather a collection of case studies in which local actuaries describe the ‘national narrative’ of their own country and we compare experiences. In an earlier ICAT report we commented on the initial response to COVID-19 as at 30 November 2020 for the eight diverse nations of Brazil, Ghana, India, Malawi, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore and United Arab Emirates. This set of articles updates the national response from 30 November 2020 to 30 April 2021. We have added an overview examining the factors to consider in analysing different national responses and outcomes. This global overview and the national updates are available at on the ICAT PAN workstream webpages.

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Impact Investing by Pension Funds – Towards a better future

Finance reportRahul Kapur is a student member of the IFoA working for E&Y in Delhi, India. He believes that Impact Investing provides a win-win for investors and society. In this article, the second of a 3-part series, Rahul sets out the rationale for impact investment for pension funds, gives real-life examples and explains how pension funds can enter this space. See the first part of this article on the IFoA Blog site.

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