Considerations for the graduation of the 1999-2002 mortality experience

CMI Working Paper 8 has been produced by the CMI's Mortality Graduation Working Party, and sets out its initial findings and proposals relating to the graduation of a new suite of standard mortality tables.

A draft version of this working paper was published in May 2004, and formed the basis for discussion at a seminar held at Staple Inn on 4 June 2004. The Mortality Sub-Committee has approved this final version of Working paper 8 for publication. It contains a number of amendments, but is largely the same as the earlier draft. A summary of the changes made since the draft version will be included in a feedback working paper, to be published in due course.

The Mortality Sub-Committee would like to thank the participants at the seminar and those who made written submissions for the contributions they have made.

Angus Macdonald, Chairman of the CMI Mortality Sub-Committee, 20 August 2004

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