CMI Working Paper 31 contains an analysis of the CMI SAPS experience for the period 2000 to 2006 based on data collected by 30 June 2007

This report was originally made available to CMI SAPS members in October 2007. It is now made publicly available, together with summary files of the data used in the analysis. No changes have been made to the report since it was issued in draft form to SAPS members.

CMI Working Paper 32 contains proposed graduations of the data underlying CMI Working Paper 31

These are the first graduations performed on the SAPS data, and the CMI SAPS Mortality Committee is particularly keen to receive feedback. It should be stressed that the mortality tables contained in this working paper are issued as part of a consultation process, and may change before final publication. The mortality rates are also made available in spreadsheet form.

Erratum for CMI Working Paper 32 

It has been brought to our attention that Figure 46 in CMI Working Paper 32 incorrectly shows a comparison of the female pensioners amounts light qx’s against the PCFL00(C=2003)mc table. This should have been a comparison of the female pensioners lives qx’s against that table. The Erratum gives the corrected figure.

Download the Mortality Rates for CMI Working Paper 32.

It is the responsibility of any actuary or other person using a published mortality table to ensure that it is appropriate for the particular purpose to which it is put.

Summary data: all classes of pensioner, males, split by pension amount:

Summary data: all classes of pensioner, females, split by pension amount:

Summary data: all classes of pensioners, males and females, not split by pension amount:

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