On Friday 13th September 2019, the IFoA’s Board of Examiners issued their final outcomes on breaches of the Assessment Regulations with specific reference to collusion during the April 2019 examinations. The regulations define collusion as collaborating or communicating with another candidate to gain advantage by any means, including facilitating or receiving such assistance.

We have seen members’ messages over the weekend and understand that many of you are disappointed by this outcome. If you have any queries, or wish to make an appeal, please direct them to appeals@actuaries.org.uk. We will also be publishing further details of our appeal process in relation to these breaches by Friday 20th September.

Upholding the integrity of the qualification regime, the profession and the ethical obligations of individual student members is central to fulfilling the Actuaries Code, as well as maintaining the international reputation of the IFoA and our own public interest obligations under the Royal Charter.  It is also a matter of fairness to members who do comply with our regulations.

The Board of Examiners takes very seriously all breaches of regulations.  They continue to work closely with the Examining and Assessment teams both to prevent breaches from taking place and to take appropriate action if they do.

Mike Hammer

Chair of the Board of Examiners