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We are considering nominations for the Brian Hey Prize.

The prize was established 20 years ago, and has served as a reminder, that research excellence is an indispensable ingredient to the success of the GI actuarial community. Past winning papers were penned on an excitingly wide range of topics by a diverse set of authors, reflecting the multitude of challenges faced by the GI industry.

Yours could join them this year!

Please submit your paper to Niki Park by 31 August 2019. They will be considered by the GIRTL Committee under the following five headings, and the winning entry will be announced at the GIRO Conference in September.

1.    Practical application for IFoA general insurance actuaries
2.    Technical content
3.    Innovative content
4.    Readability
5.    Wider appeal for other professionals

The content of your paper is expected to have been presented at a recent IFoA event, including TIGI, CIGI, GIRO and other local and regional conferences and webinars.  In the case of GIRO, to be accepted for presentation in 2019 would also count.  It would be helpful if you would lay out your arguments and conclusions in the style of a research paper:  we have found that presenation slides alone had been difficult to carry enough details to the readers for the purposes of the prize.

We look forward to receiving your entry. 

GIRTL Committee
1 August 2019