The date for the EU Referendum has been set for 23 June 2016 and the debates for the UK to remain in, or leave the European Union are starting in earnest.

The outcome of the referendum will have wide-ranging and significant impacts both in the short term and long term for many parts of UK society, from pensions through to investments, insurance, and beyond.

Given the industries that our profession operates in and the expertise of our members in risk and uncertainty, the IFoA is well positioned to make a unique contribution to the debate on whether there should be a ‘Brexit’ or ‘Bremain’. 

We have organised Question-Time style debates, with renowned speakers, to be held in:

VENUE CHANGE: Due to exceptionally high demand the London event will now be held at 30 Euston Square.

We encourage you to book your place and participate in the discussion.  Under our Royal Charter we have a duty to put the public interest first. That is why we are committed to doing research on the possible effects of the EU referendum, and organising debates, which can better inform the public.

The IFoA believes and hopes that these events will make a serious and influential contribution to this once-in-a-generation vote that will decide the future direction of the UK.  Our CEO, Derek Cribb, has also made this point clearly in his letter to the editor of the Financial Times, published on 15 January.