John Martin, President, Institute of Actuaries, 1992 to 1994
It is with great sadness that we announce the death in July of our Past President, John Martin, CBE BSc FIA ASA FSS FPMI, aged 88.

John (L J Martin) was President of the Institute of Actuaries from 1992 to 1994. He qualified as Fellow in 1954; he became a senior partner at R Watson & Son; and he chaired the Association of Consulting Actuaries from 1985 to 1987.  He was a founder member in 1978, and later elected chairman in 1988, of the Groupe Consultatif, now the Actuarial Association of Europe.

Leading and supporting a wide range of Institute and professional committees, he was strongly associated with advancing international education. He was awarded the Institute’s Finlaison Medal in 1991.

As Institute President, he inspired great affection among contemporary Institute staff. 

Our sympathy and condolences go out to John's family and friends.