We’re continuing to listen. A growing number of you are telling us about your work – or your interest in working – in banking, and we’re responding.

Later this year we’ll unveil a new qualification pathway in Banking. Successful IFoA candidates taking the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA) new online International Banking modules will receive exemptions against the IFoA Fellowship qualification. Full study materials will be available from ASSA later this autumn, with their first exam sittings held in May 2022. You can find more information about the range of learning content in Banking here.

In the meantime, if you’re already interested in or involved with banking, or you want to find out more about this growth area for actuarial work, our online banking community is available to IFoA members at any stage of their career and level of qualification. Joining the community will give you access to banking-specific events and content, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded actuaries in this sector. You can join the Banking Community here.