As a Student member you are now, for the first time, required to formally record any stage 3 Professional Skills Training (PST) activity that you undertake for the 2015/2016 reporting year. 

You must record your learning activity by 31 July 2016, by logging in to your on-line CPD record under ‘My Account’.

If you fail to record your CPD by the deadline you will be granted an extension to 30 September 2016, upon payment of an administration fee.

As we are now more than half way through the CPD reporting year, we would like to remind you all of your obligations under the 2015/2016 CPD Scheme:

  • You are category 5 for the purposes of the CPD Scheme. You have an obligation to complete either stage 1, 2 or 3 of Professional Skills Training, whichever is relevant to you.

If you are in any doubt about which stage of the Professional Skills Training you need to complete, or if you have any questions, please contact the Membership Team at

Contact Details

If you have any enquires about CPD, please contact the Membership Team

We aim to respond to all enquiries within two working days.