The Working Party was established in July 2020. Its purpose is to consider how individuals’ defined contribution (DC) pension pots can be automatically shielded from poor decision making due to a lack of financial awareness and understanding of pensions. The working party is to share knowledge among members and to help the IFoA develop its policy.

A decumulation pathway means a standardised strategy for managing decumulation for most or all of its duration, which can be offered by a provider and that is suitable in certain specified circumstances. Creation of a series of such pathways, that are suited in varying circumstances, might provide the framework for helping people to avoid making bad decisions regarding decumulation.

Deciding on a suitable range of decumulation pathways, their design and how to allocate consumers to the most appropriate ones are key areas to be explored.





Chair Stephen Hyams
Membership 4
Established 2020


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For more information about Pensions working parties contact the Communities Team.

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