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CMI Report 14. Whole volume

The mortality of assured lives. pensioners and annuitants, 1987-90; The mortality of smokers and non-smokers, 1988-90; Mini-graduations of the mortality experience of assured lives, pensioners and annuitants, 1987-90; The mortality of impaired assured lives, 1983-90; The mortality of impaired lives 1987-90 according to cause of death; The mortality of retirement annuitants under approved pension; Arrangements in the Republic of Ireland. 1986-91; Sensitivity analysis in a multiple state model for permanent health insurance

Loss reserves in the London Market

This paper addresses the process of estimating loss reserves for a  company or syndicate writing in the London Market. Particular emphasis  is placed on insurers maximising the value of the process, and ensuring  that the process is not simply a series of mathematical calculations.  The use of sophisticated mathematical techniques should not distract  from the importance of understanding the business and ensuring that data  are correct.

Asset shares and their use in the financial management of a with-profits fund

This paper describes current asset share techniques, examines  alternative asset share philosophies and discusses practical issues  associated with the calculations. Alternative approaches to smoothing  payouts using asset shares are examined. A financial management  framework is described which provides information on the financial  position of a with-profits fund. A central part of the framework is the  concept of risk-based capital. The factors to be considered in  determining risk-based capital are described and examples given of the  possible capital needs of with-profits business.


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