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CMI Executive Committee

The CMI Executive Committee reports to the CMI Limited Board

Jonathan Hughes (Chair)

Stuart McDonald (Deputy Chair)

Darryl Brundle

Michael Curtis

Leah Evans

Aidan Smith

David Thomson

Hamish Wilson

Viv Maclure (CMI Secretary)

CMI Executive Committee Terms of Reference

CMI Management Committee

Jonathan Hughes (Chair)

Darryl Brundle

Cobus Daneel 

Jamie Funnell

Susan Hanlon

Chris Reynolds

Zoe Woodroffe

Viv Maclure (Secretary)

CMI Management Committee Terms of Reference

CMI Annuities Committee

Jamie Funnell (Chair)

Piero Cocevar

Mark Cooper

Adrian Gallop

Henry Li

Robert Mellows

David Salisbury

Chipo Scolley

Caroline Twomey

Victoria Webb

Katherine Fossett (Secretary)

CMI Annuities Committee Terms of Reference

CMI Assurances Committee

Chris Reynolds (Chair)

Kyle Armstrong
Nana Asiamah

Stephen Courquin

Fiona Fan
Nick Lax

Brian Sewell

Nicola Shaw

Murray Strain

Kyle West

Wendy Yeap

James Hadley (Secretary)

CMI Assurances Committee Terms of Reference

CMI Income Protection Committee

Zoe Woodroffe (Chair)

Toby Hester

Gerard Kennedy

Chean Khoon Low

Landi du Toit

Cindy Vuong

Duncan Woodhall

Viv Maclure (Secretary)

CMI Income Protection Committee Terms of Reference

CMI Self-administered Pension Schemes (SAPS) Mortality Committee

Susan Hanlon (Chair)

David Barnard

Jenny Bullen

Stephen Caine

Rebecca Hann

Joynur Rahman

Ross Stevenson

Chris Tavener

David Hale (Secretary)

CMI Self-administered Pension Schemes (SAPS) Mortality Committee Terms of Reference

CMI Mortality Projections Committee

Cobus Daneel (Chair)

Steve Bale

Mark Cooper

Steve Rimmer

Neil Robjohns

Brian Sewell

Chris Tavener

Jon Palin (Secretary)

CMI Mortality Projections Committee Terms of Reference

Contact Details

If you have any questions about the CMI please email

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