Working Paper 149: Changes to analysis methodology for the CMI Income Protection Investigation and the impact of past data issues

CMI Working Paper 149 was published in April 2021. The working paper:

  • Describes key elements of the analysis methodology that underlies the new Income Protection processing and analysis system.
  • Highlights additional analyses that can be performed by the new system, provided sufficient additional data is collected.
  • Highlights issues with past data that have emerged from work on the analysis methodology and provides an indication of their impact.

A spreadsheet of indicative adjustments to the “IP11” claim inception rates, to reflect the past data issues, is available alongside Working Paper 136.

Note: the working paper is available to Authorised Users only.

Income protection webinar

The Committee hosted a webinar in July 2021, which gave an overview of recent changes in analysis approach and discussed the adjustments to the IP11 claim inceptions graduations. It also provided an overview of the Committee’s current work and ran a number of polls to gather information from attendees on the impact of COVID-19 on IP business. A recording of the webinar is now available to Authorised Users only.


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