Note: In version 2 of the paper, we have amended wording in Appendix 2 to note that expected deaths for Chart A2.C are calculated using the S3DFA table, rather than the S3PFA tables as implied in the version 1. The chart is unchanged.
Working Paper 174 was published in May 2023. Version 2 was published in September 2023. The working paper contains a consultation on the proposed methods and approach for the S4 Series mortality tables.
The SAPS Committee has previously released three series of mortality tables for pensioners, with the latest being the S3 Series. We propose to publish the S4 tables in early 2024 based on data from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2019, excluding years affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Working Paper 174 contains details of the datasets we propose to graduate and our proposed approach for the S4 tables. We propose to include 12 new amount-weighted tables in the S4 series, which incorporate Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) as well as pension amount. This would be the first time that we produce tables incorporating IMD.
The paper seeks the views of Subscribers on our proposals. Consultation responses should be sent to by 30 June 2023. We will publish a second consultation, including draft mortality rates, later in 2023.
We have released two spreadsheets to accompany this paper:
- A spreadsheet that includes the data for the tables and charts in the report: CMI WP174 Chart values v01 2023-05-04.xlsx
- A spreadsheet that includes exposed to risk and death data by individual age for the proposed IMD groups describer in Section 6: CMI WP174 Dataset v01 2023-05-04.xlsx
The paper and accompanying spreadsheet are available to Authorised Users only.
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