CMI Working Paper 181 was published in November 2023.
The working paper describes the proposed “S4” Series mortality tables and the methods that we have used, taking into account responses to an initial consultation in May 2023. The proposed S4 tables are based on data for 2014 to 2019, to avoid years affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and have an effective date of 1 January 2017.
We have previously released three series of mortality tables for Self-Administered Pension Schemes, with the latest being the S3 Series in 2018. We propose to publish the next set of SAPS tables – the S4 Series – in early 2024.
The proposed mortality tables are issued as part of a consultation process and may change before final publication.
The paper seeks the views of Subscribers on our proposals. Consultation responses should be sent to by 12 January 2024.
The SAPS Committee hosted a webinar on 6 December 2023 to discuss the working paper. The webinar was presented by Matt Fletcher (Chair of the SAPS Committee), Ross Stevenson (SAPS Committee member), and Chris Tavener (SAPS Committee member). A recording of the webinar can be found here.
We have released four spreadsheets to accompany this paper:
- A spreadsheet containing values underlying charts in this paper: “CMI WP181 Chart values v1 2023-11-27.xlsx”
- A spreadsheet that contains the proposed S4 mortality rates: “CMI WP181 Proposed S4 Series mortality rates v1 2023-11-27.xlsx”.
- A spreadsheet that contains the raw deaths and exposures data underlying the S4 tables – except where data has been excluded due to restrictions under the CMI Data Handling Protocol: “CMI WP181 Proposed S4 Series raw dataset v1 2023-11-27.xlsx”.
- A spreadsheet that contains the same data, but after adjustments have been made (as described in the working paper) – except where data has been excluded due to restrictions under the CMI Data Handling Protocols: “CMI WP181 Proposed S4 Series adjusted dataset v1 2023-11-27.xlsx”.
The paper and accompanying spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only.
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