12 May 2021
As part of the IFoA's Risk Board's member engagement initiatives, a series of short roundtable events are being set up to bring together risk professionals through engaging discussions on hot topics. The topic of the first session will be "Effectiveness of ERM Frameworks in response to Covid-19". This will be held on 16 June between 12-1pm (BST, UTC+1).
This event is aimed at risk managers and attendees will be encouraged to get involved with the discussion. If you are interested in hearing from other professionals on this topic as well as sharing your own experiences, please register using the link below. Places are limited and Chatham House rules apply. If access to the link below is blocked from your work laptop due to your respective company policy please access this through your personal computer to register for the event.
In registering your interest, your name and email be shared with registrants and event organisers.