Jules ConstantinouJules Constantinou begins his term as President of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries following the Annual General Meeting at Staple Inn Hall yesterday (June 28). Jules takes over from Marjorie Ngwenya after serving as President-elect for the past year. Marjorie moves into the role of Immediate Past President and John Taylor joins the team as the next President-elect.

In his Presidential speech, Jules talked about the future of the profession in a rapidly evolving and data driven world. He described the demand for a “more nimble and flexible actuary to adapt to the waves of change that are coming, ready and willing to engage and collaborate with other professionals to shape and make sense of the future world”.

As the lead ambassador for this organisation, Jules made a commitment to be visible to members and externally as President. But in return, he is asking each of you, as members, to tell at least one person who is not an actuary about your profession, your job and your skills. And the reason? Jules explained that “there are many areas where our skills can add value but only if people know to ask”. As an organisation, we need to work together to tell people how actuaries add value to both business and society.

As you take up the challenge, we also want to capture the conversations you’re having. You can post your interactions on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook under the hashtag #iamanactuary. This will help to start a global dialogue about the value of actuaries and provides a way for this profession to step out of the shadows and ensure a more relevant future for actuaries.

The results of this year’s Council election were also announced at yesterday’s AGM. In the General Constituency, Kelvin Chamunorwa and Louise Pryor were re-elected. Marian Elliott, Richard Galbraith, Laura Andrikopoulos, Charles Cowling and James Tufts have also joined. In the Scottish Constituency, Keith Jennings has been re-elected. The retirees are Andrew Hitchcox, Patrick Lee, Elliot Varnell, Haijing Wang, Colin Wilson and Stephen Cunningham. You can find a full list of IFoA Council members on our website.