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Management of closed with-profits funds WP publish final report
23 November 2022
Management of closed-with-profits funds
The Management of closed with-profits funds working party presented at the 2022 Life Conference in Liverpool. Co-presenters Ben Stroud, Sally Butters and Dan Diggins presented a sample of their findings from a survey covering 60 closed with-profits funds across 16 firms, with a view to sharing examples of good practice and making recommendations that can support the management of the run-off of closed funds for the benefit of with-profits customers.
Advice Gap in the Market Working Party - Survey
10 November 2022
Advice Gap in the Market Working Party - Survey
Sustainability Board Update - September 2022
7 November 2022
Sandy Trust, Sustainability Board Immediate Past Chair, provides an update on their September Meeting.
It was good to attend the first Sustainability Board meeting of the new session with Lucy Saye chairing and deputy chair Marcus Hurd in place. As ever, it was invigorating to see so much activity taking place across the Board’s portfolios, with high levels of engagement from the nearly 20 members of the Board, covering Events, Regulation, Education, Communities, Research, SDGs and the Early Careers Board.
General Insurance Board update – October 2022
19 October 2022
Catherine Drummond, Chair, General Insurance Board, provides an update.
Health & Care Board update - September 2022
4 October 2022
Richard Purcell, Health & Care Board Chair, provides an update.
F&I Board update - June 2022
14 September 2022
An update from the outgoing Chair, Gareth Mee.
As I hand over the reins of the F&I Board to Clara Hughes, it falls to me to write the final blog post of this session. It has been a privilege to work with the F&I Board despite the very unusual two years of my chairmanship and I reflect on what I believe to be a successful period in the circumstances.
Climate Change General Insurance Reserving Survey
30 August 2022
The Climate Change Reserving Working Party is looking into how best to support reserving actuaries in responding to climate change. This is expected to be a wide-ranging and multiyear endeavour so the Working Party is seeking to engage with the community of GI reserving actuaries who will be having to think about climate change and how it will impact on their work.
Pensions Board update - June 2022
25 August 2022
Sarah Brough, Pensions Board member, provides an update on their June meeting.
The June Pensions Board meeting took place on one of the hottest days of the year. I was pleased that our meeting was virtual and I didn’t need to travel on the tube in the hot weather! I volunteered to write a blog summarising our discussions and here’s my summary of our June meeting.
Sustainability Board update - July 2022
17 August 2022
Wendy Walford provides an update.
The last Sustainability board of the session was held in July, I want to highlight three important topics that we covered in that meeting:
Voting opens on Honorary Fellowship ballots
2 August 2022
Member votes on proposed Honorary Fellows of the IFoA, and on changing the process for electing Honorary Fellows in the future, have opened today.