ST9 is one of nine Specialist Technical (ST) subjects. You need to pass or be exempted from two of the ST subjects.
Visit Exam exemptions to find out how to apply for exemptions from the professional exams.
There are two opportunities each year to sit this exam: in April, and in September/October
For the April exam sitting, bookings will open in January/February each year; for the September/October exam sitting, bookings will open in July. Exam bookings are open for a limited period for each exam, and you must make your application by the closing date given on the form. You will need to pay the exam fee when you apply for the exam.
The Actuarial Education Company (ActEd) provides study material and tuition for this subject, as do a number of courses listed on our University courses with exemptions page
The exams will be based on the syllabus as supported by the core reading. The ActEd course material will be the main source of tuition as it expands on the core reading.
The recommended study time for this exam is 200 hours depending on your past educational background in the subject.
To gain exemptions through a university course, it is necessary to successfully complete the full degree or diploma and to gain sufficiently high marks to qualify for subject exemptions
Check our list of University courses with exemptions.
Members who wish to obtain the Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary (CERA) qualification will need to pass ST9, and meet certain other criteria
CERA is a global qualification supported by 14 actuarial professional bodies around the world and promotes international recognition of the actuary's expertise in the field of risk management. Visit the CERA pages to find out more.
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Uses the principles in this subject to solve complex problems, and to produce coherent advice and recommendations in a UK context.
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