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CMI Working Papers 30-39
Working Paper 39 A prototype mortality projections model: Part two - a detailed analysis (Issue date: 7/07/2009)
Working Paper 38 A prototype mortality projections model: Part one - an outline of the proposed approach (Issue date: 19/06/2009)
Working Paper 37 Version 1.1 of the CMI library of mortality projections (Issue date: 13/03/2009)
Working Paper 36 The mortality of impaired assured lives: Report on 1995-2006 experience and consultation on the future of the investigation (Issue date: 14/01/2009)
Working Paper 35 The graduations of the CMI self-administered pension schemes 2000-2006 mortality experience: Final "S1" series of mortality tables (Issue date: 31/10/2008)
Working Paper 34 Methodology and assumptions used for CMI self-administered pension schemes mortality experience analyses (Issue date: 31/10/2008)
Working Paper 33 A new methodology for analysing CMI critical illness experience (Issue date: 23/07/2008)
Working Papers 31 and 32 Analysis and proposed graduations of the CMI SAPS 2000-2006 mortality experience based on data collected to 30 June 2007 (Issue date: 08/01/2008)
Working Paper 30 and the Library of Mortality Projections The CMI Library of mortality projections (Issue date: 23/11/2007)

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