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Council elections open 20 May
19 May 2021
The election for the vacant General constituency seats on the IFoA Council opens on 20 May. Voting members in that constituency should look out for an email from Civica Election Services that afternoon, as that email will contain your unique link to cast your vote.
Be sure to cast your vote before voting closes at 12pm on 22 June.
Louise Pryor, IFoA President-elect, said: “All Fellows and Associates have a vote, but many of us fail to use it. This is a shame, because it’s the main opportunity we have to influence the IFoA’s direction.
Mahidhara Davangere
17 May 2021
We are very sorry to report the passing of Council member Mahidhara Davangere who has died from Covid-19.
AIICO Insurance Plc becomes first in Nigeria to be awarded IFoA Quality Assurance Scheme accreditation
17 May 2021
Nigeria’s AIICO Insurance Plc become the latest recipient of the IFoA Quality Assurance Scheme (QAS), in recognition of their commitment to providing quality assurance at an organisational level, promoting confidence in the work of their actuaries; and demonstrating their commitment to high-quality actuarial work and to supporting employees carrying out that work.
IFoA respond to FRC call for feedback on Technical Actuarial Standards
12 May 2021
The IFoA has responded to the Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC’s) Call for Feedback on the Technical Actuarial Standards (TASs). You can view the IFoA Regulation Board’s response here .
The FRC issued this call for feedback on the current framework of TASs as part of their post implementation review (more information on that work can be found here). The call for feedback closed on Friday 7 May 2021.
The effect of Covid-19 on Private Real Estate Debt - article
12 May 2021
COVID-19 pandemic caused major disruption in the global economy and brought about “the new normal”. In this short article, Private Credit for Insurers Working Party investigates the impact of the pandemic on the CRE debt market and outlook for the future.
Effectiveness of ERM Frameworks in response to Covid-19 - Roundtable invitation
12 May 2021
As part of the IFoA's Risk Board's member engagement initiatives, a series of short roundtable events are being set up to bring together risk professionals through engaging discussions on hot topics. The topic of the first session will be "Effectiveness of ERM Frameworks in response to Covid-19". This will be held on 16 June between 12-1pm (BST, UTC+1).
Health & Care Board update - April 2021
12 May 2021
Graham Lee provides the latest update from the Health and Care board.
CMI says mortality is low for the time of year
11 May 2021
During the coronavirus pandemic, the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) is publishing frequent UK mortality analysis through its mortality monitor. The latest update covers week 17 of 2021 (24 April to 30 April) based on provisional England & Wales deaths data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 11 May 2021.
The key points of this update are:
IFoA calls for urgent reforms to social care funding
11 May 2021
Commenting on the Queen’s Speech delivered today (11 May 2021) at the State Opening of Parliament, Tan Suee Chieh, President at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, said:
“The Prime Minister committed to fixing social care in his December 2019 re-election promise. Today’s Queen’s Speech presented an opportunity for the government, at the very least, to indicate next steps and a clear timeline for tackling the social care funding crisis.
Members vote to approve amendments to Disciplinary Scheme
7 May 2021
The IFoA's members have voted to approve two motions from Council to amend our Disciplinary and Capacity for Membership Schemes.
The motions, which concern (1) governance provisions relating to the Disciplinary Board and Disciplinary Appointments Committee, and (2) the definition of a Member within the Scheme, will take effect from Tuesday 1 June 2021.
Further details on this matter, including the results of the member vote, can be seen on our Bye-laws and Rules webpage.