Mortality projections
The Mortality Projections Committee have been reviewing the CMI Mortality Projections Model and had aimed to consult in November 2024 on proposals for the next version, CMI_2024. We have identified two improvements that we would like to make to the Model: 1) fitting to the pattern of mortality during the pandemic more accurately – by adding an “overlay” to the existing model to explicitly reflect the rise in mortality in 2020 and subsequent fall; and 2) using “multiple period terms” to more accurately reflecting changing mortality trends at different ages (for example, mortality to date in 2024 is lower than in 2010 at middle and older ages, but higher than in 2010 at younger ages). However, making those changes would lead to concerns about the shape of the fitted cohort component of mortality improvements and how this is affected by cohort constraints. Since then, we’ve conducted significant further investigations and identified a solution which addresses these concerns. The solution requires an amendment to the way in which cohort constraints are applied, and improvements to the algorithm used to fit the APCI model. Together, these changes represent a significant overhaul of the Model. Given the scale of the changes, we now aim to issue the CMI_2024 consultation in the second half of February 2025. We intend to publish CMI_2024 as soon as we are able in the second quarter of 2025, with the timing depending on responses to the consultation.
Working Paper 196 was published in December 2024. It contains a number of analyses that are intended to be helpful to users of the CMI Model. his paper is available to Authorised Users only.
The Mortality Projections Committee held a user group meeting on 9 July 2024 to discuss its review of the Model ahead of CMI_2024. Invitations were restricted to respondents to the CMI_2023 consultation and other large subscribers. Slides from the meeting are available to all subscribers here.
The Mortality Projections Committee has published the results of the fourth annual CMI Model benchmarking survey in CMI Working Paper 192.
CMI_2023 was published in April 2024, accompanied by CMI Working Paper 189. The Model is calibrated to England & Wales population mortality data up to 31 December 2023. You must be an Authorised User to access the Model and the accompanying documents.
A separate frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on CMI_2023 has also been issued.
The Committee will host a meeting on 15 May 2024, in conjunction with the Staple Inn Actuarial Society (SIAS), to discuss mortality improvements in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Further details are available from the SIAS website.
The results of the CMI_2023 consultation were published in Working Paper 188.
- Working Paper 180 was published in October 2023. The paper contains analysis of excess mortality for 24 international territories using data from the Human Mortality Database’s short-term mortality fluctuations dataset. This paper is publicly available.
- Working Paper 175 was published in May 2023. The paper contains analysis of historical mortality improvements and information on projecting mortality improvements to assist Subscribers in setting the projection paramaters in the CMI Mortality Projections Model. This paper is available to Authorised Users only.
- Working Paper 166 was published in December 2022. It compares the results of fitting UK and US mortality projections models to data for England & Wales and the US.
- Updated beta versions of the CMI_2019, CMI_2020 and CMI_2021 software were released in November 2022 so that the “live link” to the Human Mortality Database (HMD) will work after changes to the HMD website. The “beta” status reflects the possibility that the live link will not work for all users, depending on their IT setups.
- We are publishing frequent updates to our mortality monitor during the coronavirus pandemic.
Annuitant mortality
- Working Paper 186 was published in February 2024. This paper describes the experience of pension annuities in payment in 2022. The paper, accompanying spreadsheets and interactive data visualisation are available to Authorised Users only. The Annuities Committee will be hosting a webinar on 22 March 2024, to provide an overview of the analysis presented in Working Paper 186. More information, including how to register can be found on our website.
- Working Paper 178 was published in September 2023. This paper describes the experience of pension annuities in payment in 2022. The paper, accompanying chart values spreadsheet and an interactive data visualisation are available to Authorised Users only.
- Working Paper 172 was published in March 2023. This paper describes the experience of pension annuities in payment in 2021. The paper and accompanying spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only. The Annuities Committee hosted a webinar on 31 March 2023. This webinar gave an overview of the analysis presented in Working Paper 172. The webinar was presented by Jamie Funnell (Chair of Annuities Committee) and Vicky Webb (Member of Annuities Committee). A recording of the webinar is now available to Authorised Users only.
- Analysis of enhanced individual pension annuities in payment has been published in Working Paper 155 (for 2011-2019 and to mid-2020, published in October 2021) as well as an analysis of combined standard and enhanced individual pension annuitants, in Working Paper 165 (for 2015-2019, published in December 2022). The papers and accompanying spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only.
- Working Paper 164 was published in October 2022. This paper describes the mortality and long-term care exit experience of equity release mortgage holders over the period 2016-2019 and 2020. Summary results and datasheets are available as accompanying spreadsheets. The paper and accompanying spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only. The Committee hosted a webinar on 4 November 2022, covering the analysis presented in Working Paper 164. A recording of the webinar is available to view for Authorised Users only.
- Working Paper 138 was published in September 2020. This paper describes analysis of data by socio-economic status in the subset of the 2015-2018 pension annuities in payment dataset that included indicators based on the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), and region. A Tableau Workbook and accompanying dataset are released alongside the paper. The paper and accompanying files are available to Authorised Users only.
- Working Paper 134 was published in July 2020. This paper was issued alongside the final '16' Series pension annuities in payment mortality tables. The paper and spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only. A briefing note on the tables is publicly-available
- Working Paper 133 was published in June 2020. This paper describes the experience of life annuities over the period 2013 to 2018. Accompanying spreadsheets show summary and detailed results. The paper and spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only.
Assurances (critical illness and mortality)
- Working Paper 191 was published in June 2024. This paper describes the experience of term assurances in 2022 compared with updated 2020 and 2021 experience as well as the combined 2016-2019 period. It also includes an analysis of monthly experience in 2019 to 2022. Accompanying spreadsheets show summary results. The paper and accompanying spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only.
- Working Paper 182 was published in January 2024. This paper describes further analysis into the results for mortality and accelerated critical illness term assurances sold on standard rates, with specific focus on the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on experience. The paper considers some novel analyses, not performed on the CMI term assurance dataset before. It also includes thoughts on the considerations that insurers may have to make when setting their bases for term assurance products in the post-pandemic period. An accompanying spreadsheet shows chart values. The paper and accompanying spreadsheet are available to Authorised Users only.
- Working Paper 170 was published in February 2023. This paper investigates the experience of underwritten whole of life assurance policies for the years 2015 to 2019. An accompanying spreadsheet shows summary results. The paper and accompanying spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only.
- Working Paper 167 was published in January 2023. This paper investigates the experience of accelerated critical illness term assurance policies for the years 2017 to 2020. The purpose of this paper is to assess the causes of claim in 2020, when term assurance claims were substantially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, compared with prior years. An interactive data visualisation has been published to allow exploration of selected analyses. The paper and accompanying spreadsheets are available to Authorised Users only..
- The Assurance Committee has added clarification regarding the format of the rates in the spreadsheets containing the “08” and “16” Series term assurance tables. The rates themselves are unchanged from the previous versions. Please see Working Paper 94 and Working Paper 154 for the updated spreadsheets.
COVID-19 Working Party
- The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in mortality (and likely morbidity) experience in the general population in 2020. In response to this, the COVID-19 Working Party was set up in July 2020 to investigate the implications of COVID-19 on the CMI and to produce a consistent methodology that could be adopted by the CMI investigation committees. It is also hoped that any methodology developed will be useful to CMI Subscribers for their own internal analyses.
- Working Paper 139 describes considerations for setting base and trend mortality and morbidity best estimate assumptions in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
- The paper included a consultation which has now closed. The Working Party is considering the content and timing of its next working paper, which may be published in the second half of 2021.
Income protection
The Income Protection Committee is hosting a webinar on 22 November 2024, from 13:00 to 14:30 (UK time). The webinar will include an overview of the recent experience analysis of 2017-2020 data, as well as a presentation of an independent research paper based on analysis of CMI data. Registration is accessible to Authorised Users only.
Working Paper 193 was published in September 2024. This paper describes claim inception and termination experience of individual income protection policies for the period 2017 to 2020. The paper and accompanying spreadsheet are available to Authorised Users only.
Working Paper 156 was published in November 2021. In July 2021, the CMI Income Protection Committee conducted a survey, seeking views from CMI-subscribing insurers and reinsurers on the impact of COVID-19 on Income Protection business and experience, and their thoughts on the future. This paper contains an anonymised summary of the qualitative responses to the survey. The paper is available to Authorised Users only.
The Committee hosted a webinar in July 2021, which gave an overview of recent changes in analysis approach and discussed the adjustments to the IP11 claim inceptions graduations. It also provided an overview of the Committee’s current work and ran a number of polls to gather information from attendees on the impact of COVID-19 on IP business. A recording of the webinar is now available to Authorised Users only.
Working Paper 149 was published in April 2021. This paper covers changes to the analysis methodology for the CMI Income Protection Investigation and the impact of issues discovered in the data underlying the 2011-2016 claim inceptions experience and the “IP11” claim inception rates. The paper is available to Authorised Users only.
Working Paper 136 was originally released in September 2020. This paper summarises feedback on the proposed “IP11” claim inception and termination rates, released for consultation in April 2020 and finalises these rates, including a brief recap on their derivation and resulting models. In April 2021, Working Paper 136 was reissued with a “health warning”, together with a spreadsheet of indicative adjustments to the claim inception rates, following the discovery of underlying data issues. The paper is available to Authorised Users only. A briefing note on the rates is publicly-available.
An updated version of the CMI Income Protection Rate Table Tool was originally released in October 2020. Version 1.2 updates the CMI IP Tool to incorporate the “IP11” claim inception and termination rates. The IP Tool was reissued in April 2021 with a “health warning” following the discovery of past data issues affecting the “IP11” claim inception rates. A spreadsheet of indicative adjustments to the rates is available alongside Working Paper 136. The CMI IP Tool and accompanying user guide are available to Authorised Users only.
Self-administered pension schemes (SAPS) mortality
- Working Paper 195 was published in December 2024. The working paper presents an analysis of the mortality experience of data received by October 2024, covering the period 2016 to 2023. You must be an Authorised User to access this paper
- Working Paper 194 was published in October 2024. The working paper presents an analysis of the mortality experience of the SAPS dataset by a range of different factors including pension amount, Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) decile, region, and industry, as well as by combinations of these factors.
- Working Paper 185 was published in February 2024. The working paper, in conjunction with Working Paper 181, describes the final “S4” Series mortality tables. Working Paper 181 described the dataset, graduation methods, and proposed S4 tables in detail. Working Paper 185 summarises feedback on the Working Paper 181 consultation, discusses the Committee’s response to the feedback, and describes one planned change to the proposed tables. You must be an Authorised User to access this paper
Unisex mortality rates
The CMI has produced a set of unisex mortality rates. These rates will assist actuaries who are:
producing Statutory Money Purchase Illustrations in accordance with the FRC’s Actuarial Standard Technical Memorandum TM1.
undertaking calculations in connection with the estimated cost of future pension annuities for Appropriate Pension Transfer Analysis and Transfer Value Comparators, as set out in COBS 19.1 and COBS 19 Annex 4C of the FCA Sourcebook.
preparing projections, including for Key Features Illustrations, in accordance with COBS 13 Annex 2 of the FCA Sourcebook.
undertaking redress calculations for non-compliant pension transfer advice in accordance with FG17/9 or, from 1 April 2023, DISP App 4.
The set was updated in November 2024 to include values applicable for the year commencing 6 April 2025
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