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Conference papers for 2006
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Reporting to the Board on the results of your ICA work. Questions [mp3 sound file]
Actuareis and the law. Half-day seminar, 12 September 2006
Whistleblowing - Why, where, when and when not to!
Actuaries and the law. Half-day seminar, 12 September 2006
Whistleblowing - Why, where, when and when not to! (slides)
Catastrophe Modelling Seminar, 6 July 2006
Perspectives on terrorism modelling (handouts)
Client Care for Consulting Actuaries seminar 2006
Treating customers (& client!) fairly. A practical and rewarding approach for consulting actuaries (handouts)
Treating customers (& client!) fairly. A practical and rewarding approach for consulting actuaries (handouts)
Conflicts and Confidentiality seminar 2006
A non-actuarial view of conflicts (handouts)
A non-actuarial view of conflicts (handouts)
Other people's conflicts. A scheme actuary's perspective (handouts)
Other people's conflicts. A scheme actuary's perspective (handouts)
Other people's conflicts. A scheme actuary's perspective (handouts)
Other people's conflicts. A scheme actuary's perspective (handouts)
Other people's conflicts. A scheme actuary's perspective (handouts)
Critical illness - MOT or cosmetic surgery? One-day seminar, 6 December 2006
Capital and risk management (handouts)
Capital and risk management. A case study (handouts)
Critical illness - MOT or cosmetic surgery? One-day seminar, Staple Inn, 6 December 2006
Reviewable premiums (handouts)
Critical illness – MOT or cosmetic surgery? seminar, December 2006
CMI Critical illness investigation
Current issues in funding for pensions actuaries. Half-day seminar, 3 October 2006
Regulating pension scheme funding (handouts)
Current Issues in General Insurance 2006
The New General Insurance Guidance Notes (Handout)
Current Issues in General Insurance seminar 2006
Current issues in the Irish insurance market (handouts)
Measuring reserve uncertainty (handouts)
Measuring reserve uncertainty (handouts)
Current issues in investment for pensions actuaries seminar, 13 February 2005
Swaps and other banking products (slides)
Current issues in investment for pensions actuaries seminar, 13 February 2006
Private equity: the proposition and practical considerations (handouts)
Current Issues in Life Assurance seminar, May 2006
CILA - Accounting issues update (handouts)
CILA - Accounting issues update (handouts)
Current topics in with profits (handouts)
Developments under European and market-consistent embedded values (handouts)
Solvency 2 - Technical and professional challenges (handouts)
Solvency 2 - Technical and professional challenges (handouts)
Solvency 2 - Technical and professional challenges (handouts)
Solvency 2 - Technical and professional challenges (handouts)
Current Issues in Pensions seminar, Autumn 2006
Member options: commutation and other choices (handouts)
Current Issues in Pensions seminar, Spring 2006
Developments in longevity (handouts)
Developments in longevity (slides)
Duties of the modern trustee (handouts)
Duties of the modern trustee (slides)
Simplification and all that ... (handouts)
Sponsor covenant risk and actuarial advice (handouts)
Sponsor covenant risk and actuarial advice (handouts)
Sponsor covenant risk and actuarial advice (handouts)
The Pensions Regulator - Scheme Funding (handouts)
Designated Professional Body seminar, 10 April 2006
Current issues
FSA review of DPB supervision
Enterprise Risk Management 2006
Enterprise risk management (Handout)
RAMP - Analysis and Management for Projects (Handout)
Enterprise Risk Management Seminar, 26 June 2006
A US perspective on enterprise risk management (handouts)
ERM - tying it together (handouts)
Finance, Investment & Risk Management Board Networking Evening, 13 February 2006
What do actuaries need to do to become serious broad financial service risk managers? Transcript of discussion
Finance, Investment and Risk Management Conference 2006
Being a responsible investor doesn't damage your wealth (handouts)
Introduction to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) and the Board for Actuarial Standards (BAS) (handouts)
Learning to live within a risk budget (handouts)
Operational risk - a storm is coming (slides)
Finance, Investment and Risk Managment Conference 2006
Non-traditional (unconstrained) benchmarks (handouts)
Risk management 2011? A personal view (handouts)
General Insurance Convention 2006
A review of papers relevant to non-life reinsurance (with a liability focus)
Actuaries excel: but what about their software?
Agent reserve benchmarking pack
An actuarial toolkit. Introducing "The Toolkit Manifesto"
Capital structures in insurance (handouts)
Catastrophe risk aggregation (handout)
Challenges for Australian GI actuaries this summer (handouts)
D&O pricing, not as easy as ABC (handouts)
Embedding capital models in the business
Embedding capital models in the business
Embedding capital models in the business (handouts)
ERM in general insurance (handout)
ERM in general insurance (handouts)
Financial economics and insurance
Financial economics and insurance (handouts)
General Insurance Board Report (handouts)
General Insurance Premium Rating Issues Working Party (GRIP) (handouts)
General insurance reserves for accounting and solvency: incorporating provision for risk (handout)
General insurances reserves for accounting and solvency: incorporating provision for risk
GRIT [copies of slides]
Joined-up risk management - linking pricing, reserving and capitalisation
Large loss energy analysis
Lloyd's agent reserve benchmarking pack
Lloyd's issues (slides)
Managing for profit and effective pricing governance in the London Market (handouts)
Need to measure the uncertainty in your reserves? How are you going to do that? [copies of slides only]
Recommendations for general insurer risk management
Reinsurance matters (Workshop)
Reinsurance pricing: practical issues and considerations
Report of the Catastrophe Modelling Working Party (handouts)
Report of the data quality working party (2006)
Reserving for Solvency II. What might we reasonably expect? [copies of slides]
Risk management for GI actuaries (handouts)
Solvency II (handouts)
Solvency II - Recent developments and implications (slides)
Solvency II and Basel II - What can actuaries learn? [copies of slides]
Solvency II: Risk Margin Comparison. Letter from Annette Olesen, Groupe Consultatif, to Paul Sharma and Sam McAuliffe, Financial Services Authority
The Actuarial Prediction Survey (Handout)
The Austrian Perspective (handout)
The power of group thinking and its impact on actuaries (handout)
Time horizon solved!
Top down / bottom up correlation (handouts)
Treating customers fairly (handouts)
UK domestic update and Solvency 2 - Pillar 3 (handout)
Understanding the customer value chain [copies of slides only]
Update from the General Insurance Board (handouts)
Using R in insurance
Using the work of other professionals (handouts)
Using the work of other professionals. Case studies
Why run-off companies should take DFA seriously [copies of slides only]
Working Parties in the CAS [copies of slides]
General Insurance Convention 2006
Report of the Catastrophe Modelling Working Party
General Insurance Convention 2007
Individual claim loss reserving conditioned by case estimates (handout)
Sizing up the non-life risk modules in the current Solvency II proposals (handout)
Groupe Consultatif Colloquium, 2006
Current mortality issues
Healthcare Conference 2006
Approaches to reviewing CI premiums (Handout)
Approaches to reviewing CI premiums. Questions and answers
Approaches to reviewing CI premiums. Sample letters for premium increase and premium decrease
Are we getting better? No you are not! A view from the 'slightly sharper' end (Handout)
Commissioning skills (handouts)
Critical Illness Trends Research Group Update
Critical Illness Trends Research Group Update (handouts)
Enhancing the profitability of healthcare business. The case for effective pricing
Financial impact of using reinsurance for healthcare business
Flexible benefits - a risky business (handouts)
Income Protection. The sales dilemma (handout)
IP trends by cause of disability
Protection: a market in need of change (handouts)
Selling family protection direct to the customer
The price to pay for enhanced annuities (handouts)
The Safe Birth Campaign
Healthcare Conference 2006. Are we getting better?
A users guide to CMI CI experience
Moving forward: towards a fair and adequate funding system for long-term care
Highlights of the 2005 Life Convention seminar
Corporate governance and risk management: ticking boxes or creating value? (handouts)
Leadership (handouts)
Life securitisation (handouts)
ICA Modelling Seminar, 20 April 2006
Aggregation, correlation, diversification and group issues. Presentation [mp3 sound file]
Capital modelling for general insurance ICAs. Presentation [mp3 sound file]
Capital modelling for general insurance ICAs. Questions [mp3 sound file]
Chairman's opening remarks [mp3 sound file]
ICA Working Party next steps. Chairman's closing remarks [mp3 sound file]
Insurance premium risk, competition and the insurance cycle. Presentation [mp3 sound file]
Insurance premium risk, competition and the insurance cycle. Questions [mp3 sound file]
Parameter uncertainty. Presentation 1 [mp3 sound file]
Parameter uncertainty. Presentation 2 [mp3 sound file]
Parameter uncertainty. Questions [mp3 sound file]
Reporting to the Board on the results of your ICA work. Presentation [mp3 sound file]
ICA modelling seminar, 20 April 2006
Capital modelling for general insurance ICAs
Parameter uncertainty
Reporting to the Board on the results of your ICA work
Investment strategy for pensions actuaries seminar, 26 January 2006
LDI (liability driven investment) and return solutions. MLIM - Equity Manager perspective (handouts)
Liability driven investment. A bond manager's perspective (handouts)
Life Convention 2006
A whole new world...Or implications for life insurers of CP06/16 on the risk management and pricing of term assurance (handout)
ABI CI review and beyond (handout)
Actuarial systems and controls - the challenge (handout)
Assessing multi-asset investment strategies for annuity funds (handout)
Bulk annuities - creating a market (handout)
Calculating insurance liabilities in an IFRS Phase II/Solvency II world (handout)
Child trust fund - A Trojan Horse or a White Elephant? (handout)
Collaboration, conflict or confusion. Understanding the responsibilities of providers and distributors for the fair treatment of customers (Handout)
Consumers' understanding of risk (handout)
De-risking with-profits customers fairly (slides)
Disclosure and projections for life assurance and pension policies (handout)
EEV and MCEV standards (handout)
Equality release assumption setting (handout)
European embedded value - bottoms up! (handout)
Financial education.You're never too young to start (handout)
Fundamental legal concepts for life actuaries (handout)
Fundamental legal concepts for life actuaries 2007 (handout)
Getting the most from a Treasury function (handout)
Good, better, best practice: A look at how actuaries are meeting today's challenges with respect to ICA, EV and Regulatory Reporting (slides)
How to get on in business (Handout)
ICA and ICG. A life office's experience (handout)
ICAS for small firms (slides)
ICAS. Making the most of your FSA feedback (Handout)
IFRS Phase II: Sorting out insurance accounting once and for all (handout)
Improving portfolio analysis. GLMs in life and health insurance (handout)
Longevity - risk and opportunity (handout)
Offshoring operations - a life company perspective (handout)
Operational risk in life insurers (handout)
Oversight of the Profession by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) (handout)
Pandemic influenza. A timely example of what a mortality stress scenario might look like (handout)
Pension term assurance - the truth behind the hype (Handout)
Personal branding (handout)
Practical experiences of using CMI models for projecting annuitant mortality (handout)
Practicalities of protection experience analysis (handout)
Product pricing and allowance for ICA (handout)
Projecting realistic balance sheets (Handout)
Re-designing PPI - Opportunities for life insurers (handout)
Risk and capital management: creating a competitive advantage (slides)
Risk management in insurers. Is ICAS making a difference? (slides)
Risk/value trade-off in strategic investment decisions (slides)
Securitisations (handout)
Solvency II - Developments, issues and possible implications (handout)
Solvency II. Challenges and industry impact (handout)
Standard Life 'Going public' (slides)
The effect of management discretion on hedging and fair valuation of participating policies with maturity guarantees (slides)
The impact of A-day and pensions reform on the pensions landscape (handout)
The Life Industry Model - can everyone (or anyone) win? (handout)
Treating life customers fairly (slides)
Turbo charging your actuarial function (slides)
Unit pricing in the twentyfirst century (handout)
Using derivatives to meet shareholder and policyholder objectives (slides)
Life insurer taxation seminar, 12 June 2006
Papers presented at the seminar
Mortality and longevity seminar 28 June 2006
CMI mortality experience (handouts)
Mortality and longevity seminar, 28 June 2006
Initial thoughts on mortality (handouts)
Modelling and measuring uncertainty in mortality forecasts and Lee Carter (handouts)
Mortality and longevity - making financial sense of the highly uncertain. Transcript
Olivier-Smith model (handouts)
Projection of mortality rates as illustrated by Weibull distribution (handouts)
Smoothing and forecasting mortality rates with P-splines (handouts)
Non-executive directors seminar, 16 October 006
European and market-consistent embedded values (handouts)
Pension finance and economics seminar, 10 February 2006
Corporate cross-holdings of equity, leverage and pensions: simulation and empirical evidence from the UK (handouts)
Corporate cross-holdings of equity, leverage and pensions: simulation and empirical evidence from the UK (handouts)
Corporate cross-holdings of equity, leverage and pensions: simulation and empirical evidence from the UK (handouts)
Corporate pension funding and credit spreads (handouts)
DC investment and choice: lessons from US 401(k) plans (handouts)
The corporate governance of defined benefit pension plans: evidence from the United Kingdom (handouts)
Pension scheme wind-ups seminar, November/December 2006
Current legal issues with scheme terminations (handouts)
Current legal issues with scheme terminations (handouts)
Current legal issues with scheme terminations (handouts)
Current legal issues with scheme terminations (handouts)
Current legal issues with scheme terminations (handouts)
Current legal issues with scheme terminations (handouts)
Pensions Convention 2006
Advising scheme sponsors (handout)
Beyond Morris: the role of the Profession (handout)
Cash commutation. An employer's actuary view (handout)
Clearance - are we all clear about it? (handout)
Closed pension schemes (handout)
Conflicts of interest (handout)
Finance Act 2004: What has changed for the ordinary member (handout)
From LDI to hedge funds. Where to place your bets in the new investment world (handout)
International issues in pensions - round up of developments (handout)
Lessons from politics (handouts)
Longevity - the hidden risk (handouts)
Mergers & acquisitions - market developments (handout)
Options for bridging the funding gap (handout)
Peer review (handout)
Pension Protection Fund levies - past, present and future (handout)
Pensions for senior executives: Changes after A day (handout)
Scheme modifications. The subsisting rights requirements (handouts)
Sponsor covenant: a case study (handout)
The role of company pensions (handout)
The top ten papers every scheme actuary should know about 2006 (handout)
Touching the void: an introduction to share options (handout)
Two "big" topics: Financial Reporting Council, and Strategy Review (handout)
Who wants to be a trustee? (handouts)
With profits seminar, 16 October 2006
Challenges around PPFM and CFPPFM (handouts)
Risk management in with profits funds (handouts)
Risk management in with profits funds (handouts)
Younger Members' Convention 2006
Operational risk - a practical guide (handouts)
Pensions as a deal breaker (handouts)